Part of Imperative Logistics Group

Newsflash: Contemporary Photographs from Germany and the UK Subject to 25% Tariff, Effective October 18

October 2, 2019

The U.S. Trade Representative (“USTR”) announced that it will impose 25% tariffs on more than 150 goods imported from
European Union (“EU”) countries, including contemporary photographs from Germany and the UK.

Effective October 18, imports of photographs printed not over 20 years prior to import will be subject to 25% additional duty
if the photographs originated in Germany or the UK, regardless of the country of export. Photographs printed over 20 years
before the date of import are not subject to the tariff.

Other products of note that will be subject to the 25% tariff include mass produced lithographs and printed matter in single
sheets from Germany and the UK. Original lithographs, etchings, and engravings that are classified as works of art are not

The USTR announcement came after the World Trade Organization (“WTO”) determined that the U.S. can impose
countermeasures against the EU for its failure to comply with a previous ruling against subsidies provided to aircraft
manufacturer, Airbus. The USTR has stated that the tariffs will only be lifted “when the EU ends these harmful subsidies.”

View the full USTR press release here. Follow this link for the list of goods affected. Further updates will be provided as they
are available. In the meantime, if you have any questions please contact your local Masterpiece representative.

Thank You,


Magnate CARES

Magnate CARES

Magnate Worldwide is pleased to announce the development of its social responsibility program, Magnate CARES.

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