Part of Imperative Logistics Group

Newsflash: Coronavirus Impact on China

February 7, 2020

Dear Valued Customer,

The impact of the Coronavirus in China, where close to 60 million people are living in cities on lockdown, is fluid. Below you may find a chart and notes provided by our partner agents to serve as an update.

1.) Teams in China are increasingly utilizing their ability to work from home, or during off-peak hours
2.) The planned re-opening for people heading back to the office is February 17th
3.) The factory column is a consensus, although some factories may have a different plan
4.) Upon returning to work, staff will have to wear a mask to prevent the spread of disease. Currently these masks are not easy to find, so this may pose a problem.

The CDC answers the question: ‘Am I at risk for novel coronavirus from a package or products shipping from China?’ here.

Please contact your local Masterpiece representative with any questions.

Thank You,


Magnate CARES

Magnate CARES

Magnate Worldwide is pleased to announce the development of its social responsibility program, Magnate CARES.

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